
Thursday, April 19, 2012

What I Wore

Yikes, how does a week go by without a post? It feels like I just posted yesterday!

I am so excited for some amazing weather we are supposed to be getting this weekend. Last weekend we got almost all our flowers and veggies started, until I ran out of soil anyway. My house is now filled with pots of bulbs and seeds that I’m praying my black thumb won’t ruin! I can do many things, some I’m even pretty darn good at, but gardening is not one of them LOL. I have had no luck with anything gardening related. But, I’m going to give it another go this year. I’ve planted flowers from both seeds and bulbs and I’m trying a few different veggies and herbs. If nothing works out this year then I’m going to officially give up on gardening, I’ve wasted enough money trying to grow things that just don’t grow. I sort of blame my hubby too LOL, he means well but he always ends up trying to take over when we grow anything, so I have never been able to plant something and take care of it myself. So maybe it’s his black thumb that is to blame lol. We have 2 to 3 weeks before we can put it all outside, I’m sure it would be ok now since it has been fairly mild, but I don’t want to risk it, we can get snow and frost up until the first week or so of June.

I’m sort of lacking much to post for outfits lately. I don’t know how some bloggers manage to post a new outfit so often. I don’t have enough clothes to make that many new outfits and can’t afford to add to my wardrobe very often. I do have probably the best selection of clothing though that I’ve ever had in my life! It’s still pathetic compared to most women though lol. So a lot of what I wear is just re-wearing outfits that I already posted or making changes that are too minor to bother with posting.

I ordered some adorable cardi’s from City Chic and am totally in love with them! They are the most comfortable cardi’s I’ve ever had. And the best thing about them? They only cost $5!!! They come in 3 colors, I first ordered the purple and the black and as soon as I got them this week and tried them on I immediately went back on their website and ordered the blue and another black. I know I will be wearing these a ton this summer and the price is soooo my kind of deal!

Here is one of many ways I will be wearing these cardi’s, I chose not to tie it, but it looks good whether you tie it or not.

























Jeans: Forever 21+, $15(2011)

Tank: Warehouse One, $10(2011)

Cardi: City Chic, $5(2012)

Boots: Payless, $40(2011)

Necklace: souvenir shop @ Royal Tyrrell Museum, $5ish??(2011)

Earrings: Avon, gift from my Mom

Ring: $10, Addition-Elle(2011)



  1. I missed you!! While I was swamped at my previous job... I stopped reading and doing blog posts... but starting today I am playing catchup... and you were the first person I wanted to comment on :)
    You look great and I am stoked to see you still going strong. As for the no money for clothes thing... I feel like it forces you to be more creative. Mixing colors & patterns.... let me know if I need some wild ideas ;)

  2. Yayy! You're back! Glad you have a new job you love!

    I've been slacking on the reading this past week, caught up now though. I would like to post more outfits, definitely not finding I'm wearing a whole lot that's post worthy though lol. I'm sure once I finally get around to going through my closet I'll be able to put more together.

  3. I love that purple cardigan, the sleeves and drapey part are so pretty! Cute pictures too, hope you gardening efforts work out well. I'm thinking of planting one this year, maybe. I did last year and it went pretty well, I grew lots of tomatoes,other vegetables, herbs, even a few watermelons! lol :)

    Principessa Gabriella

    1. Thanks! I don't usually like things with frilly parts, especially on the shoulders, I hate the "big shoulder" look. But it seems to drape nicely on these cardi's so it doesn't make me feel like a football player LOL!

      I still have my house full of the plants, I've been able to put them out to get some sun on some days, but it's still pretty cold at night so I'm not comfortable leaving them out yet. Most of it is growing nicely so far, I'll be happy if at least half of them work out.

      mmmm, watermelon! There are so many more things like that I would grow if we had room. I have to grow everything in pots because we rent so I can't put in a real garden, and wouldn't really have room for a very big one anyway.
