
Wednesday, April 11, 2012

What I’m Wearing

I got to have a much needed break from the boys today. It was just to run around the city and do some shopping, but with the week I’ve had with the boys it was so nice to get out of the house without them, regardless of what it was for. We got another day of amazing weather too, allowing me to dress light and summery. It feels so good to be wearing some of my summer clothes! Even though I try to wear them all year round, a nice flowy dress just doesn’t feel as nice with heavy tights and boots as it does with bare legs, light shoes and a cardigan.

Notice the braid? Look closely. You can see just how insanely fine my hair is by the skinny braid, that is ALL my hair in the braid. I’m so jealous of those with long thick hair! I love my length but hate how crazy fine my hair is. It is so hard to do anything with.













Dress: 121Avenue, $17(2011)

Cardigan: Joe Clothing from Real Canadian Superstore, $12ish(2011)

Belt: City Chic, $12(2011)

Shoes: Walmart, $15(2010)

Necklace: gift from MIL years ago

Earrings: Avon, gift from my Mom



  1. I'm wearing my hair in braided pig tails right now, and your braid is 1/3 of the size of just one of my braids. That's crazy!
    I do love your dress!

    1. I know, I told hubby last night that my whole braid is the size of just one section of most women's :(. He says he likes it fine because he loves how soft my hair usually is and he figures it wouldn't be if it was thicker. It just sucks because there's so little you can do with hair so fine and it gets so boring just hanging straight all the time.

  2. I love the maxi-dress, can't wait to wear some this spring/summer. It's been oddly cold here lately though, but I think the weather is supposed to get warmer soon. Cute braid too, and oh my your hair is very fine! I guess you wouldn't want to hear me complain about how much trouble it is to take care of my obnoxiously thick

    Principessa Gabriella

    1. After our amazing weather yesterday today consisted of pouring rain all day and then turned to a ton of snow tonight :(. I'll likely be back in boots for tomorrow now. Oh well, soon enough I'll be wearing sandals every day, then before long I'll be tired of my sandals and dying to get back into my boots LOL.

      I think I need a wig :( LOL. I have no problem getting length obviously with my hair, but this fine-ness of it is just nuts. I honestly think it is finer than it used to be. This is why I don't do those curls often, it takes so long to do them because my hair doesn't want to hold them. I know your hair is crazy thick, my hair is a joke compared to yours LOL!
