Monday, October 31, 2011

“Only Fat People”?, No! “Everybody is Beautiful”!

I’m bad with Twitter. I have 2 accounts and I’ve never been good with tweeting much on either, I like to read everyone else’s tweets but rarely send out my own. I think part of it is I have a really hard time saying things in so few words, if you haven’t noticed I tend to be a bit of a rambler. In person I’m shy and quiet usually until I get to know someone, even online in direct conversations I struggle to find words, but when it comes to typing out my thoughts I can go on and on. I type fast too(thank you to typing class in High School, I did retain something I learned in HS at least LOL), so often I feel my fingers fly across the keys faster than I even realize what or how much I’ve typed. So Twitter and Facebook restrictions on how many characters you can type are very hard for me.

I was on one of my Twitter accounts yesterday following the Nascar race because it wasn’t on a channel I get. I glanced over at the trending topics and felt sick and disturbed to see what one of them was. “Only Fat People” was one of the top trending topics on Twitter. I wanted to click and see what people were saying to make it trend, but I was scared to. I’ve been a little depressed and frustrated lately and I was scared that what I saw might not help my current emotional state.

After it staring me in the face for a while I decided to click on it and see. I am a very nervous person and I have to say I was incredibly nervous clicking on it, worrying I was about to make what was already not a great day worse.

As I scanned over the first 100 or so tweets I took a big sigh of relief and felt pride that while there are some absolutely disgusting people out there(likely the ones who started the trend), there are still people who refuse to accept that kind of behavior. Of the 100 or so tweets that I read(what was the most recent 100 at that time), only ONE was negative toward “fat” people! The rest were people absolutely disgusted that such a thing would be trending. There were people of every walk of life, every age, both sexes, every ethnicity, every SIZE….just everyone….tweeting how disgusting it was.

I felt so much relief to see that while this trend likely started because of some incredibly disturbed people, it became such a big trending topic because of those who were speaking up of how wrong it was. And before long a new topic was trending, it quickly became more of a trend than “Only Fat People”, before long “Only Fat People” was no longer even showing in the top trending. Instead “Everybody is Beautiful” had begun to shine and taken it’s place….and what a beautiful sight it was!

Everybody is beautiful! And if you don’t feel beautiful, then do something to make yourself feel it, everyone is beautiful and everyone can feel beautiful if you will just allow yourself to feel it, and everyone deserves to have that feeling. Once you’ve felt it and feel how wonderful it is to feel that way, you will strive to make yourself feel that way as much as you can. Beauty isn’t limited to those who are thin, those who are young, those who have money….beauty is in us all, if you haven’t found that feeling for yourself you owe it to yourself to do so. We all have our days where we feel blah and ugly, but once you let yourself feel beautiful those ugly days become few and far between and become so much easier to overcome because you know that’s not how you should be feeling and that’s not how you want to feel.

Have you let yourself feel beautiful today?



  1. I missed the Only Fat People trend but I did catch the Everybody is beautiful... and I have to admit because I where I am in my "plus size journey" it probably wouldn't have bothered me... I would have said something snarky because you know what... Only Fat People get how important a good personality is... ur looks will only get you so far... beauty fades... but inner beauty... never dies *smiles*
    Chin up... you're beautiful and what you're feeling now will slowly dwindle and you will feel fabulous again... ~~hugs~~

  2. Fortunately my self confidence is at an all time high lately! Despite being a little depressed and frustrated I still feel pretty good....but of course it's a time when cruel words could turn that upside down. I was so happy with what I saw when I finally when to check out the tweets on the topic that the one I saw that was negative didn't even phase me.

    Thanks for your kind words!
