Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Wish Me Luck!

Just a quick hey there! Thanksgiving was great! Even with a crappy cold and little sleep because of said cold, I cooked everything I planned on for Thanksgiving and had it all ready on time! I have to admit I always make a good turkey, but I think this one was my best yet! It was absolutely amazing! Everyone enjoyed the whole dinner, at least they said it was great, hope they weren’t lying! hehe!

So now that I have the kids school sorted out and Thanksgiving is over I have moved on to a new wave of projects! I have decided to make most of my Christmas gifts this year! Not all of them, but I plan to give each person one homemade item and one bought item. I have already bought about half of the bought items and planned out most of the homemade items. Tonight I started actually making the first one!  I’m making my niece a sundress!

I’ve had a sewing machine for quite a few years, but mostly have just used it for mending stuff(done a lot of turning pants to shorts because of blown out knees…no surprise with boys!). I’ve only ever actually made one thing with it, I made an apron for my youngest about 7 years ago. It turned out really well but for some reason I’ve always been scared to attempt anything more. Well, I’ve decided to be fearless of it no more! If all goes well with the Christmas stuff(not all will be sewn, but probably half the stuff) then I think I will tackle making something for myself, maybe a skirt or a dress as I’ve seen some pretty simple looking tutorials for both!Could be my way around the halt I’ve had to put on buying new clothes until we can pay down the old CC a bit.

So wish me luck with the sewing! I hope it works out because I get all depressed when I try something and it doesn’t! The cold yucky weather is already giving us a sneak peak off and on, that alone is enough to start depression, I don’t need any extra help LOL!



  1. That's neat that you're making your Christmas gifts for people; it makes them more personal. I've always wanted to learn to sew clothes but haven't found the time yet, good luck with that! :)

    Principessa Gabriella

  2. I have always wanted to as well Gabriella, just was never brave enough! Glad I've decided to give it a try finally!
